We are a Latin American company with more than 17 years of experience in the digital transformation of Latin American organizations and technological inclusion.
Improve people's quality of life through the digital transformation of organizations and technological inclusion.
To be one of the most innovative digital leaders in Latin America.
At Sofis Solutions we offer technological solutions and different consulting and training services, to support the digital transformation and technological inclusion of organizations, and improve, as mentioned in our mission, the quality of life of people. We focus on providing innovative and personalized solutions for each client, in order to meet their expectations and meet the agreed requirements.
We work under a process-oriented and proactive approach through risk assessment. We have a Quality Management System, developed according to international standards. The established processes are defined, institutionalized, supported by tools and based on internationally recognized models. On the other hand, we also make sure that the environmental and infrastructure conditions are adequate and we are committed to improving them.
We are known for maintaining long-term relationships with our clients, we provide them with transparent information about our processes, we periodically evaluate their expectations and satisfaction, and we manage an incident resolution system. We also develop lasting relationships with our suppliers and strategic alliances with those that are considered key to the business.
Sofis Solutions employees are its greatest asset. Our company values the high training of their staff and we demonstrate this through the permanent updating of skills and the obtaining of international certifications for our entire team. This training is aimed at improving attitudes, experiences and skills.
This policy is part of strict compliance with current legal and regulatory requirements, and the application of responsible social policies.
The management leads and undertakes to comply with the processes established in the Quality Management System, in order to achieve its continuous improvement and that of the services and products generated, as well as to achieve compliance with the quality objectives and the current policy.
At Sofis Solutions we are committed to reducing negative environmental impacts through improved energy efficiency, the sustainable use of resources and environmental protection activities. We are aware that our business generates minimal impact compared to other industrial activities. In the same way, we understand that the fact of setting work guidelines committed to the environment, build alliances with other companies or organizations that follow our policy and aligning our services to it, allow other companies and people to spread the need to contemplate the risks environmental and be able to treat them.
The General Assembly of the United Nations, in its Resolution 58/4, of October 31, 2003, approves the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the basis for the development and implementation of anti-corruption policies, both at the public level and in private companies.
Bribery is a form of corruption that poses a threat that hinders the development of the market and distorts the reality of fair competition that must exist between the different operators. Governments cannot fight this threat alone, but need the full collaboration of companies and private entities as essential allies.
It is essential that companies and private entities establish detailed policies for particular risk areas, since the border between legal and corrupt practices can be blurred, which means that there are many gray areas that have to be regulated to draw the limits between the legitimate and illegitimate practices.
Sofis Solutions is committed to the values and objectives of the United Nations Convention against Corruption and approves this Anti-Bribery Policy (1) as an initiative to combat possible fraudulent behavior and conduct contrary to current regulations and laws (3) in the matter of anti-bribery in the countries where business relationships are established.
As a sign of its commitment, Sofis has joined the international initiative of the United Nations Global Compact. This commitment asks companies to adopt, support and promulgate, within their sphere of influence, the 10 principles, a set of fundamental values in the areas of human rights, labor standards, the environment and anti-corruption. Sofis prepares and publishes the corresponding Progress Reports (COP), in order to inform stakeholders of the company about the progress made in the implementation of the Global Compact principles.
This Anti-Bribery Policy is part of the Anti-Bribery Management System established by Sofis Solutions and must be considered exhaustively for the fulfillment of the anti-bribery objectives established by the organization.
4.1 Bribery
The PU UNIT-ISO 37001:2016 on Anti-Bribery Management Systems defines bribery as “offering, promising, giving, accepting or soliciting of an undue advantage of any value (which could be financial or non-financial), directly or indirectly, and irrespective of location(s), in violation of applicable law, as an inducement or reward for a person acting or refraining from acting in relation to the performance of that person's duties”
That is, a bribe can be understood as the giving or receiving of something of value by a person (usually money, a gift, loan, reward, favor, commission or entertainment), as an inappropriate inducement or reward to obtain business or any other benefits. Bribery can take place in the public sector (for example, bribing an official) or in the private sector (for example, bribing an employee of a customer or a business partner). Bribery can take place when an improper payment is made by or through a third party.
4.2 Zero tolerance
Sofis Solutions has no tolerance for bribery of any kind, which means that any suspected incident of bribery will be investigated and any improper behavior may lead to disciplinary action for the organization's staff, including dismissal in serious cases, criminal charges, the termination of the contract or other sanctions in the case of professional services, partners, suppliers or even clients.
This Policy must be known and applied by all members of Sofis Solutions, including its partners/shareholders, members of the Management and all staff (in any form of contract), who must ensure that they do not get involved in any way in bribery activities, as well as committing to understand, accept and apply the Policy described in this document.
The Anti-Bribery Policy is communicated to clients, suppliers (including professional services) and business partners of the organization in such a way that it is contemplated and respected by them within the framework of the activities that involve existing business relationships with Sofis Solutions.
6.1 General considerations
Annually, Sofis Solutions establishes objectives for its Anti-Bribery Management System and plans actions to achieve them, involving all the parties that are required and demanding compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements that apply, or others that it considers mandatory. Within these requirements is compliance with this Policy.
In order to prevent, detect and deal with bribery in the forms described above, Sofis regulates a series of benefits and courtesies that could be classified as bribery if not regulated and/or limited. These are listed in the points that follow.
6.2 Facilitation payments
Facilitation payments are understood as those small, unofficial and improper payments made to an official to obtain or expedite a routine or necessary procedure for the activity.
Facilitation payments can be given to officials to obtain licenses, permits, certificates and other types of public services, but also to commercial service providers (such as electricity or gas providers).
Public official or official means "any person who holds a legislative, administrative or judicial position, by appointment, election or as a successor, or any person who exercises a public function, including for a public body or a public company, or any official or agent of a local or international public organization, or any candidate for public office".
These facilitation payments are bribes; are prohibited by the United Nations Convention Against Corruption and therefore prohibited by this Policy.
Exception to the prohibition: In the hypothetical case that the request for a facilitation payment is accompanied by a threat to the safety or well-being of the employee or his family and close friends, that is, that we are facing extortion, it may be allowed to make such payment to avoid serious harm, provided that such threat and fear of imminent danger can be demonstrated
What to do in case of facing a demand for payment?
In the event that Sofis staff are faced with a demand for payment, they must act as follows, depending on whether we are dealing with a facilitation payment or extortion:
This payment must be registered in the accounts of the organization and a brief investigation report of the event must be attached. In your case or if required by law, the relevant authorities must also be informed.
6.3 Gifts, hospitality, donations and similar benefits
Business gifts and entertainment, as well as donations or benefits of a reasonable scale, are used to strengthen working relationships between business associates or for the benefit of the community.
These benefits may be appropriate in certain circumstances or socially acceptable in certain cultures, or even proof of Social Responsibility (SR) activities. It may also be appropriate to accept or offer hospitality that includes travel to business events with people with whom we do business. However, if offers of gifts, entertainment or travel are frequent or of considerable value, they may create the impression, or the reality, of a conflict of interest or an unlawful payment, ie a bribe.
For this reason, this Policy establishes control mechanisms to avoid as much as possible that these services may be perceived as a bribe.
6.3.1 Gifts, entertainment and hospitality
They are gifts, advantages or benefits such as free delivery of own or third-party products, delivery of tickets or invitations to attend cultural, leisure or sports activities. Expenses of this type are, in principle, legitimate. Although it is a widespread practice, Sofis regulates them in this Policy, so that they are not used improperly or could result in a practice of bribery.
Gifts and hospitality must meet a series of requirements that regulate them:
(a) Control of the degree and frequency of gifts and hospitality.
In the private or public sphere, gifts and hospitality are allowed in the following circumstances:
(b) When gifts and acts of hospitality exceed the established value or frequency, the prior approval of Management must be required, as well as that they be documented or registered in the Sofis Management System. These records will be public to the entire organization.
6.3.2 Invitations and other promotional expenses
Business entertainment can play an important role in strengthening working relationships between associates and implementing an effective business policy, so this type of expense is allowed as long as:
On the other hand, the following are prohibited:
6.3.3 Travel
In relation to trips whose total or partial costs are assumed by Sofis, the following are admitted:
6.3.4 Political contributions
Sofis does not make political contributions of any kind. For this reason, it is strictly prohibited to make any type of donation, financial or otherwise, on behalf of the company to political parties, party officials, candidates, persons involved in politics or organizations that maintain close relations with a political party.
6.3.5 Charitable donations and sponsorships
Charitable donations are understood as any economic contribution or object of value that is donated to support causes or philanthropic activities in the sports, art, culture or education areas. On the other hand, sponsorships are focused on supporting activities, acts or events, which grant rights and benefits to the sponsor. In other words, Sofis will be able to use the name of the beneficiary and advertise this collaboration, and vice versa.
The risk of charitable donations and sponsorships is that they can be used to create an improper advantage or as a subterfuge for an act of bribery or corruption in general.
Sofis consents to making charitable donations that are organized on its own initiative or at the initiative of its employees. The objective is to collaborate with charitable institutions or with great social projection such as the Pereira Rossell Hospital Center, in a totally selfless way and provided that the following requirements are met:
6.3.6 Records
All the expenses listed and regulated above must be registered, so that there is evidence in the Sofis Management System that may be required by audits, judicial bodies and other authorities.
6.4 Business partners, suppliers, agents and intermediaries
All external suppliers of materials, products and services that provide key products are subject to the Sofis Solutions supplier management procedure, according to which they can become part of the supplier registry.
Sofis Solutions will require its agents, intermediaries and business partners to undertake to prevent bribery by, on behalf of or for the benefit of the business partner, in connection with the relevant transaction, project, activity or relationship linked to the organization.
The company will terminate the relationship with the supplier, business partner, agent or intermediary in the event of bribery by or on behalf of or for the benefit of the business partner in connection with the relevant transaction, project, activity or relationship.
No Sofis collaborator may contract persons or companies suspected of being or having been involved in acts of bribery.
However, if it were the case that said contracting was unavoidable even when there were precedents of bribery in the person or company or entity involved, Sofis would record the reasons for said decision.
6.5 Due Diligence
Sofis applies, in its personnel selection and hiring procedures, diligent measures to prevent the incorporation of people who may be conflictive in relation to the practices that this Policy seeks to eliminate and avoid. Thus, in the selection and hiring procedures, the guidelines for action and the controls to be applied to the candidate personnel and the incorporations are established, in order to prevent possible bribery.
In the case of business partners, due diligence procedures are also applied and, based on the results of processes, certain controls are defined (depending on the risk analyzed for each one of them and the type of relationship established) that allow minimizing bribery risk indices.
6.6 Conflict of interest
On the other hand, possible situations of conflict of interest are expressly regulated in this Policy.
There will be a conflict of interest when a member of Sofis has professional, personal or private interests that deviate from the interests expected of him when he is representing the company, that is, when the interests of the person are in conflict with those of Sofis.
It may happen that a company representative is tempted to privilege their private interests over those of the company and make decisions that do not represent the best for Sofis.
However, it should be noted that conflicts of interest occur in all organizations, but they are not negative per se, so they are also regulated in this Policy to prevent legal and beneficial actions for Sofis from being misunderstood.
To prevent certain situations from being misunderstood and casting doubt on the objectivity of a particular decision, evidence of these situations must be kept, communicated and documented.
Therefore, to prevent certain situations from resulting in a conflict of interest or not offering sufficient transparency, employees and managers must register and notify the Anti-Bribery Compliance Function:
When a conflict of interest situation is detected that could be detrimental to Sofis, it will be evaluated by the person who performs the Anti-Bribery Compliance Function, who will seek a solution in order to avoid materialization. You can make any of the following decisions:
All decisions that may involve a conflict of interest in the terms set forth above must be justified and documented as evidence of Sofis' commitment to the fight against corruption.
Sofis will carry out a regular verification or monitoring of this Policy. The monitoring and review process will allow:
The Management leads and undertakes to comply with the guidelines of this Policy and the processes involved in the Anti-Bribery Management System, in order to achieve its continuous improvement, as well as to achieve compliance with the proposed anti-bribery objectives.
Sofis has the Anti-Bribery Compliance Function, whose main task, among others, is to control the correct development and implementation of the conduct guidelines established in this Policy.
This Function will ensure compliance with the provisions of this Policy, will deal with any conflicts that may arise related to it, in coordination with the Management when required, and will establish action plans to resolve them and safeguard the interests of the company.
By Sofis Solutions Management, the person who performs the Anti-Bribery Compliance Function is assigned the authority and independence required to be able to effectively perform the responsibilities of:
The person who performs said function must remain impartial in cases of simultaneously performing another role, different from the Compliance Function, within the organization.
Any knowledge of actual or suspected breaches of this Policy must be reported to Company Management and/or the Anti-Bribery Compliance Function. Likewise, it is encouraged that the company be informed about those situations that may imply a weakness in the system in order to proceed with its correction or improvement.
Any report of bribery or suspicious activity will be treated as confidential. No person who makes a report of bribery or suspicious activity in good faith will be penalized or prejudiced for this activity.
All employees and directors have the obligation to inform their hierarchical superior, the person who performs the Anti-Bribery Compliance Function or Management about any non-compliance or bad practice that they observe in the performance of their professional activities.
If you are aware of any conduct (active or passive) contrary to the content of this Policy or any other internal regulations, you must follow the procedure for raising concerns or complaints and report it through the Ethical Channel, the email address: canaletico@sofis.com.uy.
The complaint can be filed anonymously or the sender can be identified. In this case, Sofis guarantees the confidentiality of the information communicated.
All those people who, in good faith or on the basis of a reasonable belief, transmit their notifications will be protected against any type of discrimination and penalty due to the complaints made. False or defamatory accusations may be sanctioned or give rise to the exercise of the actions that may be permitted by law. This same channel can be used by interested parties to report other issues of interest or doubts about the application of this Policy.
This Anti-Bribery Policy will be sent to all employees through ordinary communication channels (Sofis course platform and email) and will remain published on the Sofis website as a sign of transparency before third parties, both partners or private partners as representatives of the Public Administration
The Anti-Bribery Policy will be subject to appropriate communication, training and awareness actions for its timely understanding and implementation within the company.
The implementation of the gender policy will be in charge of a Committee for Gender Equity, which reports to the General Directors. This Committee will annually define an action plan applying each of the guiding principles, which must be approved by the Management, communicated to our parties and will carry out an annual report.
The achievement and fulfillment of project objectives is essential to obtain results. This can be achieved through the incorporation of best practices in project management.
For this reason, Sofis Solutions incorporates the Project Management Office, whose mission is to ensure compliance with project objectives, through the professionalization of management processes, continuous improvement, monitoring and evaluation, and training of the human resource.
According to the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, or PMBOK (an instrument developed by the Project Management Institute), defines the Project Management Office or PMO as: "a management structure that standardizes the processes related to the governance of an organization's projects, which aims to facilitate the shared use of project management resources, methodologies, tools and techniques".
An essential point for project management is the use of tools that allow recording, measuring, analyze and control the work
implemented in the projects and portfolios, in this way, a cycle of continuous improvement can be executed, through the optimization and efficient use of resources.
The main management tools include:
The implementation of methodologies, technologies and tools are key pieces for quality assurance in software development, through this, it is possible to automate tasks, execute more agile test cycles and reduce possible errors in the installation of software in production.
In this context, Sofis Solutions implements the Test Management Office (TMO), an area focused on ensuring compliance with the quality strategy and policies, through the implementation of methods, agile software testing tools and processes, which identify breaches in the production start-up of a product or service developed by the IT area of Sofis Solutions.
The Test Management Office (TMO) is aligned with the Project Management Office (PMO) of Sofis Solutions, since both focus on meeting the objectives and quality of a given project, ensuring delivery times, detection and bug fixes, optimization of resources and minimizing maintenance costs.
The main mission of the Test Management Office is to ensure compliance with Sofis Solutions's test quality strategy and policy, through the implementation of methodologies, standards and tools that guarantee the delivery of a quality and reliable solution.
The main objective of the CMO (Change Management Office) is to support the change initiatives of our clients and internal ones (redefinition, simplification and automation of processes, reorganizations, changes at the regulatory level, technological transformation, among others) with the goal of making them successful.
The CMO team manages, supports, structures, standardizes and supervises the planned or ongoing changes, and ensures that each
of them follows the appropriate methodology and is adapted to each particular situation, through the use of different tools.
The office is also responsible for laying the foundations for efficient monitoring, establishing a baseline of indicators. The CMO allows mitigating the negative impacts that organizational changes that involve processes, people, structure and technology can have.
This Sofis Solutions office aims to establish reference standards and architectures with regard to:
Regarding business architectures, it takes TOGAF as a framework, for which it has certified professionals who carry out the construction and evaluation. A particular case in this sense is the management of data architectures, including the principles that guide it.
The office's main activities are: