Sustainable Digital Transformation

We build innovative solutions
for the digital future

What do we do?

We work on information technologies projects for the development of digital government and the resolution of problems of social, environmental and governance development mainstreamed with technology.

Digital government is a term used for the simplification of processes, information and communication within and between public institutions, as well as between these institutions and citizens and companies.

At Sofis Solutions we offer services to support the development of digital government at the different levels of government.

Sustainable development consists of that which seeks to satisfy the needs of present generations without compromising the development possibilities of future generations.

At Sofis Solutions we work on projects linked to sustainable development goals through the use of technology.

How do we do it?

At Sofis Solutions we have developed methodologies and alliances to incorporate methodologies, tools and good practices related to Information Technology from a sustainable development perspective, in multidisciplinary work teams.

Our offices are located in Montevideo, Quito, Panama City (Panama) and San Salvador, working on projects in the Latin American area.

We have:

  • ISO 9001:2015 Certification of our Quality Management System
  • ISO 37001:2016 Certification of our Anti-bribery Management System
  • ISO 14001:2015 Certification of our Environmental Management System

What services do we have?

IT projects
Staff augmentation
Sofis Studio
Data services

Work areas

Software development
Business Intelligence
Business Analytics
Geographic information systems
Mobile apps
Process automation
d Cloud solutions

Our value proposition

Experience Experience

Experience in Digital Transformation processes with a high degree of satisfaction

Human Resources Human Resources

Trained and experienced professional human resources

Methodologies Methodologies

Methodologies adapted for the public sector and sustainable development

Processes Processes

Processes based on international standards ISO 9001:2015 Certification Quality Management Systems

Commitment Commitment

Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals

Innovation Innovation

Innovation in development

Nearshoring Nearshoring

Latin American presence in: Uruguay, El Salvador, Ecuador y Panama

Fotografía sobre nosotros

Work team

Do you want to join a multidisciplinary and diverse work team focused on building innovative solutions for our clients and contributing your talents?

Contact us

Our clients


Business partners

Genexus Partner
Postgre SQL

Associated with:

Cámara de comercio uruguayo portuguesa
Empresas por el Desarrollo Sostenible